
Written by Funn Lim

Did watched but too sick to write recap.

Just a summary from what I can remember. Sam Hou was on her way to see Hin Yeung when she was bitten by a snake on her feet and Emperor walked by and so sucked out the poison without hesitation. Hin Yeung saw Emperor hugging a fainted Sam Hou. Later Hin Yeung requested from the emperor to grant marriage between him and Sam Hou and at first the Emperor replied he wishes Sam Hou to be with him forever and if he intends for her to stay by his side, he will have his way but later revealed that he wouldn't have done that to Sam Hou and Hin Yeung both of whom he felt eternally grateful to and so promised when the rebellion/all corrupt officials are banished (in this case on General Ma), he will release Sam Hou and grant them marriage. Hin Yeung promised to work hard for the emperor.